Entries by OM8WG

Helping Janko, OM3WA, build a mast

On Friday, 28 June 2019, we decided to help out our friend Janko, OM3WA, with the construction of an antenna mast. I, Peter OM8WG, set off from Košice at lunch time accompanied by Dušan OM3WAK, Milan OM8MM and Marcel OM8DM.

Alpe Adria UHF Contest 2019

On Sunday, June 16, 2019, we could once again be heard on the band. This time we participated in the Alpe Adria UHF Contest, where we wanted to give away a few points on the 432 MHz band.

Ondrej Oravec Memorial 2019, OM3AU

In honour of Ondrej Oravec, OM3AU, who contributed significantly to the development of VHF in Slovakia and the former Czechoslovakia, the Slovak Amateur Radio Association organises the annual Ondrej Oravec Memorial Contest, OM3AU, which runs on the 144 and 432 MHz bands.

Visit at OM0MS

Our plans to be active on QO-100 led us today, 13 June, to the village of Topoľovka near Humenné, the home of our friend, Štefan OM0MS.