Entries by OM8WG

1st Subregional Contest 2019

Finally, the time for the first VHF contest in 2019 arrived, the time of the 1. Subregional Contest. Due to the fact that we obtained our licence only in December 2018, this was our first contest also in the series of Slovak championships in VHF operation.

Atmosphere during CQ WPX RTTY Contest 2019

Saturday, 9th February 2019, was an extraordinary day for us. After many years, the OM3KSI call sign once again appeared on the amateur radio bands. At 8:16 UTC, we established our first connection in the contest with station UC0A on the 14 MHz band. We thus began a new history of the OM3KSI radio club. […]

Preparation for the CQ WPX RTTY Contest

The date of the contest is approaching and three days before the contest, we haven’t even built any antennas. Janko, OM3ZAH, came to Košice on Wednesday, bringing along a ‘rubber rifle’, and willingly helped to build the 2 x 27 m non-resonant Double Zeppelin antenna. At the beginning, we couldn’t agree on where to start, […]

Grant of Individual Licence

On 19th December 2018, the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services, Department of Frequency Spectrum Planning, granted an individual license for the use of frequencies under the call sign of OM3KSI by decision No. 1810561050. OM3KSI Licence